Busy busy busy

I have struggled lately to find inspiration to write here, and I think the main problem has been in an ability to quieten the constant to do list in my mind long enough, to have any kind of relaxed are creative thought.

It’s the affliction of the modern world, not enough time. A recent article made me realise how much I suffer from this problem. Not enough time to sleep, not enough time to see friends, family, my husband! Inevitably the outcome is not enough time to really appreciate all the things we are doing, that make us busy. It’s not the first time I’ve wondered if we would be happier with simpler lives, less choice, less decisions and a chance to appreciate how a nice meal or coffee with friends is wonderful in its own right, without the need to frantically tap at our smart phones planning the next event.

I am pinning my hopes for a simpler life in Seattle but part of me knows this idea is just running away from myself. The problem is with me as much as my environment, London definitely adds to the feeling of always needing more, but we are shaped by our environment not controlled by it.

The Christmas holidays start today and my plan is to take the next 2 weeks to relax and unwind. I am planning this by making lists of things I need to get done in my ‘down’ time. The irony of this is not lost on me but surely it’s a baby step if my list includes time to do nothing?

Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope you find time to relax

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